Monday, June 20, 2011

The Beginning

Well, here it is.  After 4 years of thinking of starting one, here is my blog.  I am not good at writing.  Actually, most of the time I re-read what I write and erase most of it.  I am going to try hard to just put my thoughts down and leave it.  Please don’t be critical of my lack of writing skills J.  I feel like I have so much joy in my life I need to write it down.  I don’t want to forget these moments.  I take lots of pictures, but I don’t want to forget what is said esp. by my adorable baby boys.  (In my best Peter Pan voice) Here we GOOoooooo!
Father’s Day.  It’s always a weekend that makes me sappy.  I truly have an amazing father.  Actually, I don’t know how to put it into words how amazing my dad is.  He is sacrificial, giving, loving, sharing and hilarious.  I know there are other words I can use to describe him, but can’t think of them right now.  I struggle with being able to convey to him how much I appreciate him.  I want him to know that I recognize how special he is and that he is appreciated.  I don’t know that I do that well.  I am so thankful that God chose me to have Glenn Scriber as my dad!  I have another reason to get sappy…my two boys.  I have been super blessed to have 2 amazing little men.  I think the way the 2 little men became amazing is partly because of their dad.  What an awesome man he is.  I am blessed beyond words.  Thank you Lord!

Trying to make Father’s Day memorial I asked David what he would like to do.  I should have known what the response would be…actually I did.  He wanted to take the boys fishing.  He has been talking about it for 3 ½ years.  It was time.  Off we go to find a place to fish.  We ended up at a place called Crystal Lake Reservoir.  It is on the road up to Pikes Peak; truly a beautiful place.  I sat & took pictures of David teaching his son’s how to cast and reel it in.  Then it was time for him to sit back and watch them do it themselves.  I can’t describe the look on his face and I don’t think I captured it with my pictures either.  He was so proud & excited to share this with them.  They tried and tried to put the line out there.  For Jackson, it was almost natural.  The second time he casted by himself he was successful.  For Jonathan it took more practice.  David worked with him and then would let him try by himself.  After about 10 minutes Jonathan had it down, too.  This is part I struggle with…..waiting.  So now we wait.  We watched the boys cast and wait.  Cast and wait.  Cast and wait.  I’m taking pictures and playing in the rocks.  Then David yells…reel it in Jonathan!!  Jonathan CAUGHT A FISH!  It was so fun to see.  (I’m really glad I didn’t stay home!)  Jackson was so happy for his brother, he couldn’t stop cheering for him!  Best friends..that’s what they are!  Well, we’re not gonna stop fishing now (even though it’s starting to rain).  They start casting again.  Then David yells…reel is in Jackson!  Jackson had a fish!!! Well….he did until it got off of his line.  David told him it was ok to keep trying.  They both cast again and who catches another fish?!?!?! Jonathan!  We knew at that point we couldn’t leave until Jackson caught one.  We were willing fish on his line…and it worked!!  He had another fish!!  He starts reeling it in about to pull it out of the water and we watch the fish get off the hook!  Really?!?!? Again?!?!  (that’s what I am thinking) but David so gently goes to Jackson and tells him that sometimes that happens.  He will catch a fish sometime.  Jackson seems to understand and just enjoys starting to cast again.  There comes a point where we realize it is time to go and Jackson has no fish.  But it’s all ok.  Jackson knows he will be back to fish again and he will have another chance to catch a fish.  Now they are asking...when are we going  to eat the fish????!!!  Needless to say, we had fish for supper! 


  1. Your first post was awesome! Keep writing!! I am not very good at writing, either, but when I remember to blog, it's always fun to go back and read it down the road and see all the cool things we have done!! Keep writing!!

  2. LOVE the fishing story! What a great Father's Day Memory! My blog stinks, but I just say it's because I only have a dog to write about. ha! One day... Anyways, keep writing so if for nothing else to keep us posted on those two sweet little boys and their parents. :)

  3. Fantastic! The only really good memories I have of our daddy is when he took us fishing...David, you are a great Dad! -Your sister, Debbie

  4. What a sweet first post! Your boys are so blessed to have a dad who is patient enough to teach them fishing at such a young age!! So many fun times ahead!! Look forward to reading about your journey :-)
