Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Clothes...lots & lots of clothes

Show me the money!!!!!!! 
I have FINALLY found a way to sell all of the boy’s old stuff and not have to do all the work myself! J  It’s a program called Just Between Friends.  Since I have so much stuff I am sending everything off to let a more experienced person price everything out.  I am looking forward to getting the check J

Everything ready to go!

All organized..labeled & sorted :)

So long baby toys...

Stuffed to the brim...taking it to let someone else do all the hard work

Stuff for David's didn't all fit in the Pilot


  1. I have 3 friends in Texas who all own Just Between Friends franchises :-) It is a great program. I used to run the cash register for two of them. You can get some great bargains!

  2. I had no doubt that all of their stuff was organized this way.... This is how I clean out.... at the end of a season I grab a garbage bag, stand at their drawers, and put in stuff we won't use again. Tie it up, take it to a goodwill or a friend. Done. :) Making money seems much more productive!!!! I actually have all of Madison's special dresses and the boys special outfits organized and stored.... The rest? Nope. Get it out as fast as possible is my motto. I admire you! :-) All of this coming from the person whose room you used to clean.
