Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hodge Podge

So, you know the whole issue I pointed out when I started this blog?  Always re-thinking what I write to where I pretty much erase everything. Well, now I find myself doing that in my head about what I am going to write.  AHH!!  I am trying….I really am! Sometimes I start to feel overwhelmed at where to start.  I am just going to start where I left off.  Maybe I will be able to catch up a lot since David is out of town until Sunday.  I apologize in advance if there are too many posts :)
So, let me back-track a little bit.  I said that we traveled the weekend leading up to Easter & we were able to spend Easter in California.  Because of that we dressed up in our Easter attire the week before because we weren’t sure if we would make it to church on Easter Sunday.  Here is a sneak peak at our Easter in Colorado & California.
Handsome little men

LOVE these boys!

coloring eggs

Peep for breakfast....don't judge!

Chocolate for breakfast..again, no judging :)

Before church...with guns :)
I also mentioned that David invited our amazing minister & his wife to his ceremony.  Here are a few pictures (that I got to take) of our special family members and also the lovely gifts David got us. 
Michele & Ron Bamburg...amazing people for God

The boys LOVE the Bamburgs!

My AMAZING flowers!

Do you see why they wanted to play with these immediately?!?!  Awesome daddy!

While we were in California I didn’t take too many pictures.  I’m not sure why other than we didn’t do a whole lot…. We did get to enjoy going to a youth group devo with the amazing youth of Lompoc and went bike riding in Santa Barbara.  We also got to see the amazing turtle farm at the Hopkins.  How FUN!  David did work a LOT.  Actually he worked every single day for 14 days.  So, here is a little peak at our fun California adventures. 
Ron...loving on Lily at the devo

Rhiannon & Rudy singing at the devo

Mr. Jerry showing us his turtle farm

looking at the babies

Jonathan holding a baby turtle

Jackson feeding Max

Andrew & Robert feeding the turtles!
Bike ride in Santa Barbara


Playing in the park

Santa Barbara Pier
We had to leave our California family to head back to Colorado on Mother’s day weekend.  We traveled all day on Saturday and Sunday.  I can’t think of a better Mother’s day than playing “I Spy” trapped in a car for 12 hours with my boys. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello I am Daniel Garza.

    I am wondering if this Brother Ron who preached in George West Tx.?
