When I need anything fixed who do I call? Dave-o That's right, he can fix just about anything! Matter of fact his motto is "If I can't fix it, it ain't broke". Usually this type of stuff I wouldn't normally blog about, but this one was a biggie. When I graduated college my dad hand-made me a dining room table. It's one of the possessions that I value the most. My dad made it just.for.me. That's special stuff! My table has been moved 4 different times to 3 different climates. Sadly we started noticing that the top was starting to split. Over the past year it actually split all the way down the top. I was upset, but there was no way I would ever get rid of the table so I was just dealing with it. David had to find a fix. After consulting with daddio, he had a plan. He fixed it (took a little longer than I anticipated, but it's fixed)!!!! I am so thankful for a husband that can fix things. Here is my beautiful table that looks new again. Thanks babe!
I have to admit, I stole the motto from Ricky T. Sanders (my brother-in-law, AKA "Chef Boy R.T.")